MIA: History: France: Paris Commune

Contemporary Observers of the Paris Commune



The Civil War in France

A book by Karl Marx detailing the events and political significance of the commune. Written as an address to the International, Marx explained the events underway in France with the purpose of distributing the information to workers all around the world. Marx explains the revolutionary achievements of the Paris Commune and the reaction to it by the French government of Thiers.


History of the Paris Commune of 1871 by Prosper Olivier Lissagaray

Prosper Olivier Lissagaray was a participant in the Paris Commune and his critical eye-witness account was published in French in 1876. Eleanor Marx translated the work into English and the manuscript was revised and checked by Karl Marx.


Excerpts from “Paris Libre”, 12 April - 24 May 1871, Pierre Vésinier

The Commune Day by Day (May 25 1871) by Elie Reclus





Reports by the International Working Man's Association

On the War (I)
On the War (II)
Address of the Council


Contemporary accounts

Escape from Post-Commune France, 1871

Written by Jenny Marx, this document describes her escape from France after the fall of the Paris Commune; after the massacres of over 30,000 workers, and the mass arrests of more than 38,000 workers. Escaping from the extreme police persecution was no easy task, but after several run-ins with the police, and many narrow escapes, Jenny Marx was able to flee to England with her life intact.

A Short Account of the Paris Commune of 1871, 1886

by E. Belfort Bax, William Morris and Victor Dave, for the Socialist Platform.

The Paris Commune, 1894

by E. Belfort Bax, originally published as a series in Justice.

Anarchist writers

Contemporary and later writings of several Anarchist writers.


Later accounts

The Franco-Prussian War and the Paris Commune, 1928

by G. M. Steklov. From History of the First International

The Lessons of the Paris Commune 1934

by Alexander Trachtenberg. International Publishers. Contains stunning drawings and images or the Commune

Last updated on 16 August 2024